09 January 2014

8 steps to happiness

1)            You worry too much

Instead of sitting on that rocking chair worrying about a situation, why not take action to find a solution to the problem? If that matter is a thing of the past whereby nothing can be done to make things better, it should be left behind too. Overthinking tends to mess with one’s head, making matters seem worse than they actually are.

2)            You are still stuck in your past

If the past memories make you happy, hold on to it. If it does not, why think about it? The past may seem like a safe place to visit but it is not safe enough to stay. If you are one of those who sits back thinking as of why can you not have those happy moments back. Well, instead of moaning about it, get up and go get whatever that makes you happy. The past is unchangeable and neither possible to relive. Close the chapter of yesterday and try to live in today instead.

3)           You think too much about your future

Being entirely pulled into your future would be as good as digging your own grave. Let me admit. There had been a phase in my life whereby I used to focus so much on my future to the extent whereby I forgot to live in the moment. It was like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock. Due to people working too hard to prepare for a better future, they end up paying a hefty price instead with a relationship ending. Just like every seed needs to be nurtured with love and care to be grown into a beautiful flower, a relationship needs the same too for it to grow. By enjoying the journey in life, you would enjoy the end goal more when you do achieve it.


4)           You tend to compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to those who you think are way more successful than you is not going to make you feel any better. Be satisfied with what you have got. If you think you are not good looking, guess what? The girl that you think has a perfect face or that guy who you think has the perfect body might be feeling the same as you do when compared to someone else. You might not be able to play the guitar the way your friend can but at least you might be able to sing while your friend is not able to do so. Do not look at just one factor of a whole person and rank yourself against that. No one is perfect so why not love yourself the way that you are? You might be able to afford a second hand car but you are not elated as it is not brand new. Have a brighter outlook on it by being thankful that you can at least afford a car be it not a brand new one, unlike the man who has to walk 10km to work every day just to save money to buy groceries for his wife and children back home.

5)           You care too much about what another thinks about you

Why live your life pleasing others when all that they are going to do is probably point out one fault after another? Also, it is not possible to please every single person since everyone has different perceptions on different matters. Rather, do what you think is right and stand up for what you believe in.

6)           You do not take risks

Many like to play safe since the future is unknown, but why not take risks because you never know until you try. If you take the chance, the probability of succeeding would be half. However, if you stand behind the line in the fear of failing, the probability of accomplishment would be zero. Afraid of heights? If you are living in Singapore, go for the X-treme swing (Perhaps even grab a few drinks before that for a better experience. Please do not end up puking in someone’s face though)!  If you do succeed in your task, it would definitely create an existence that cannot be said in words. You have only one life so live it. Imagining having that sweet fruit of success already, aren’t you?


7)           You do not learn from your past mistakes


Let us admit it, we all are humans and we all are capable of making errors. There is nothing wrong in making mistakes. Know someone who commits the same mistake again and again and then regret it afterwards each time? Many times it is because although they might be sorry, they have not grown wiser by learning from their past mistakes. In the exact way, what is the point of saying ‘sorry’ repetitively when you are going to repeat the same mistake after some time again? Learn from your mistakes instead of chucking them and running away.


8)           Your heart is not filled with love for yourself


If you are not happy being alone, you are not going to be happy being with someone else either. Look for someone that would complement you rather than complete you. Being with someone to get rid of your loneliness would be betraying yourself as well as them, and neither would you be able to give them the affection that they need and deserve. Love yourself and you shall be loved.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't expect this from you. I thought it will be like a diary HAHA. Anyways, this is great. I need it. Thank you and I love you! :)
