26 January 2014

Hold on or let go?

Adrenaline rushing through your body when you see him/her, you smiling to yourself like a fool remembering past events, you impatiently waiting for a text from him/her…just thought of a person didn’t you? We all must have gone through this phase of being attracted to someone, call it a crush/like/love, whatever. While things do work out at times, at other times it might just be pointless to hold on to that person and depriving yourself off other happiness. Of course, the process of letting go is not going to be easy though. However, do you fight for it (be it him/her/or something else) or just give up?

If something makes you happy, whether or not you think it is going to work out, just hold on to it. Getting to relationships, at least to me, loving someone is not about getting together with them. He/she might even be happily involved in a relationship with someone else, but you do not have ill feelings towards it. Seeing him/her happy is what brightens up your day instead.

However, if it has been emotionally affecting you negatively, let go. What is the point of holding on to something when all that it does is making you feel worse?  Letting go is not a sign of weakness as it is what makes one stronger. You may never know, when you finally have moved on, something better might just come along your way.

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