This is just a story that I wrote for an assignment.

I hold up my white lace
gown embellished with crystals, a piece from the latest collection by Vera
Wang, and put a leg out followed by the other, carefully getting out of the
black BMW. My head feels heavy with the veil weighing my neatly styled half
up-do hair down. Someone, whom I could not bother to notice due to the
nervousness, stops me halfway, handing me over a bouquet of white and red fresh
roses that I firmly clench onto while making my way towards the brown wooden
doors with golden knobs. The door slowly opens with Beautiful in White by Westlife
filling my ears. Despite me staring down at the floor, I can feel all eyes on
me making my heart pound ten times faster. I take a deep breathe, forgetting
the scene depicting the chest that took place about an hour back before leaving
my house for the church. I gradually look up ahead and take a step followed by
another, with my gown sweeping the floor with each step I take down the white carpet
bedded with rose petals. Every thought that had been lingering on my mind is
fading away with all that I see before me is the man that gave me a new life.
The one person that not only managed to complete me, but he also complemented
me. Upon his sight, the smile plastered on my face did not require my facial
muscles to uphold it.
I check myself in the full
length mirror on my mirrored wardrobe before leaving the house despite the lack
of time. My sight is diverted to the reflection of the calendar that I see. It
is 14th February 2023. Past memories hit me. I walk over to the left
side of the white vanity table. Bending over, I push back my long wavy hair and
open the gilt bronze chest adorned with garnets, made with marble and cushioned
with velvet. A waft of his perfume escaped, tickling my nostrils. It has been
12 years since the chest has been under my possession. The only gift I had ever
received within the short period of time that I had known him for. I stared
down at the collection of items. The yearbook with his pictures in it, the
gifts he bought me; mainly antique items bought without an occasion since he
knew that I loved anything vintage looking, the diaries I wrote dedicated to
him, presents bought over the years from different countries and collected for the
4th of July; his birthday. My eyes start welling up. I hold back the
tears thinking of it all as good old times, also being conscious of the mascara
that might run and ruin the light make-up that I had on.
On a particular
September’s day while the sun was just going down, I fidgeted with my phone while
waiting for my friends. Out of boredom, I observed my surroundings when someone
caught my attention. “Damn, that guy.” a little unfamiliar voice whispered in
my head. He chatted away with his friend while waiting outside the staff room
at Bendemeer Secondary School. “He is waiting for a teacher perhaps. Yes, it is
a teacher. But, who is he? An ex-student?” thoughts flooded my mind. He
naturally had hazelnut coloured hair that he would flip, resembling Justin
Bieber’s signature style. He was tall, had an athletic physique and tanned
skin. His smile could light up a whole dim town. I wished I could see him from
a closer distance and not just half of his face. My friend’s arrived shortly
after, and I left the site feeling helpless.
back home, I frantically searched for his face on our school’s Facebook page
that had over a thousand likes. I had never done something like it before. After
almost giving up on the fifth page, I saw his face on the sixth. His name was
Jayden. He was a graduate, being my senior of three years. My laptops mouse
scrolled over to the “Add as friend” tab whereby it stayed stationary for 10
minutes as I mulled over whether I should click it. I forced my finger down on
the scroll pad. “There, you have done it.” I said to myself. I could not shake
his image off my mind till I fell asleep. He accepted the request the following
day. However, all the hype about him had already died down, leaving me feeling
On the 14th
April’s afternoon the following year, I saw a chat tab on Facebook pop up. “Oh
god. It is that guy.” I thought to myself although not feeling the adrenaline
rush that I had felt when I first saw him. It was him, Jayden.
16:43 - Jayden Luke:
“Hey. Saw
your check in. I was just at Boon Keng too!”
14/04/2011 16:48 - Sara Alexis:
Hahaha okay!”
14/04/2011 18:37 - Jayden Luke:
“What are
u doing now?”
14/04/2011 19:41 - Jayden Luke:
“I don't
know why but I think u are really beautiful.”
14/04/2011 19:44 - Sara Alexis:
out. U? Erm haha okay thanks.”
He started off a casual
conversation and asked to exchange numbers later that night, after which, we
constantly texted each other. It was at lightening’s speed but we decided to
meet up the following day at a McDonald’s near our schools as he was studying
at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) nearby.
My friend and I waited for
him after our classes had ended. After about half an hour, from the corner of
my eye, I saw him walk through the door of McDonalds. “He is here. This is so
awkward,” I said, giggling like a small kid. Having seen us right away, he
walked up to us, greeted my friend and I and then sat down beside me. Surprisingly,
there was not a single awkward moment between the three of us that evening due
to him chattering non-stop. I had never felt so comfortable around any stranger
before. I felt like I knew him for ages already. He offered to accompany me
through the train journey and then drop me off at the bus stop, despite my
humble refusal.
My bus came in sight after
minutes of waiting. I did not want the great day to come to an end. However, I
had to get on the bus due to the countless number of calls from my mother,
asking me to get home. “My bus is here, I have to go,” I gloomily said as the
bus doors opened. In the twinkle of an eye, I felt his pink soft lips pressed
against mine. He quickly pulled back after what seemed like half a second and said
good bye while I climbed up the stairs of the bus. Jayden immediately texted me,
looking up at me with a smile on his face, waiting at the bus stop till the bus
pulled away. Throughout the bus ride, I could not erase the upward curve from
my face and neither could I stop the butterflies in my stomach. Waking up that
morning, I could never have had imagined for my night to end in that way. It
all happened too fast for my brains to absorb. It was different, too rushed,
but it felt good. The following months passed like days with his hand entwined
with mine.
“I sold the chest that was
passed down by my grandmother to an antique’s store so that I could pay for my
tuition fees.” I uttered to Jayden feeling miserable about it and yet
pretending that it was not affecting me. The following day, a big surprise
awaited me at my door step. It was the chest. He had bought it for me from the
store that I had sold it to. Tears trickled down my cheeks seeing it and I
leaped to hug him for what seemed like ages. Any item that held memories of
him, I would store it in the chest thereafter.
10th February
2012, we argued but as usual made up again after a few texts. The next few days
however, we hardly did text each other due to his busy schedule and a grudge
that I had held due to the previous argument that we had. After the 12th
February, our texts had stopped. He did not text me and neither did I take the
initiative to text him first. Three days later, I got a text from a mutual
friend of mine and Jayden’s.
“Do you
not know what happened to Jayden?”
happened to him?”
thought so that you didn’t know. Go see his Facebook wall.”
“I just
saw it…Thanks…”
condolences to you. Heart failure at 18 and that too on 14th Feb…life
surely is unpredictable. Take care.”
31st December
2016, I attended a New Year’s Eve party at Siloso Beach, Sentosa. It started to
quiet down after a game of Truth or Dare, with all of us talking with a drink
in our hands afterwards. Most were high and some just tipsy after the countless
drinks as the night turned into a new day and year; it was New Years’ day.
After the New Year greetings, I sat alone on the breakwater, sipping on my
drink and admiring the moon light highlighting the grainy sand particles while
wishing Jayden was by my side. Turning around and getting up upon hearing my
friend call out my name at about the stroke of 3am, my attention was divided
between walking towards her and watching him walk on the path that led to us,
greeting the faces that I knew. I had never seen him around before. Later in the day, I went
up to talk to a friend of mine who was talking to him as well. He started
chatting to me too without us introducing ourselves to each other, as if we had
met before. Rather than getting to know each other, we threw friendly insults
at one another. There was something about him that I could not shake off. Thereafter,
I could not stop stealing glances at him throughout the day.
As the first rays of sun
fell on the shoreline, all of us decided to leave. The rest of our friends had
got off the train, leaving the both of us, since we stayed just a station away
from each other’s place. In the train journey, we talked about ourselves with laughter
echoing in the MRT. Being carried away in the conversation, we did not realise
that the train had come to a halt and it was time for me to get off. “I am so
sorry, but I have to go,” I quickly said then hurtling for the doors after
which the bell went off and the train doors shut. Getting out of the train, I
felt like it was the last time that we would be seeing each other but I had
hoped otherwise. It was after almost 5 years that somebody had managed to make
me yearn for a meet again.
A few days later, I went
out with the same group of friends. Was it fate or sheer luck that I saw the
face I had been reminiscing ever since I stepped into the New Year? There he
was again. Meet ups with the group including him started to frequent and so did
our friendship strengthen. When a mutual friend misunderstood me, he tried to
clear the misunderstanding by strongly putting my point across despite him knowing
the other guy for a longer time, and yet did not take sides.
Albeit I tried to ignore
my feelings at first, I realised that with each passing day my feelings grew
stronger for him. Things however never progressed as I never told him how I
felt and I guessed that since he never expressed his feelings to me, he must
have always had taken me just as a friend. The group of mutual friends that we
had, including we ourselves, got busy with our working lives and hence all of
us started losing contact with one another. Days turned into months and months
into years. Four years had passed but what I felt towards him did not cease.
“I myself do realise that
I have always put on a façade of being content in life, having a happy go lucky
attitude. Was I genuinely happy with life? When was the last time that I
actually didn’t feel alone despite being around a pool of people? Why do I fear
giving relationships a chance? I tend to push people away and not get too
emotionally attached to them just because I have found that each time I do get
close to somebody, they leave me and at times even the world, going to another
dimension. I preach that one should do whatever that they want to without
overthinking since there is only one life to live. But, had I lately gone where
my heart wanted to go with my feet then following? Facing reality, I didn’t
actually know where I was or where I was going until I met him. He gave a new
direction to my life. He makes me smile when no one can. He makes me laugh over
little things he says. He shows concern for me like no other. He has made me into a
better person. He amazes me with things he does each time. I feel satisfied
seeing him happy. I can visualize my future with him. I want to grow old with
him. Is that what love is? Was what I had for Jayden just an infatuation?” I
thought to myself.
I contemplated whether I
should let him know how I felt about him. I typed: “Hey. I know this is pretty
abrupt and might make things awkward between us but ever since I had first seen
you and then talked to you, I have not been able to stop thinking about you.
You made a special place for yourself in my heart. I do not expect anything in
return. I just thought that I needed to let you know as I feel that you have a
right to know it.” After minutes of staring at the text pondering upon if I
should tap on the send button on my smart phone, I tapped on the back button
instead, deleting the text. “Would the text be too sudden after months of not
being in contact? Why is this so hard? Damn it. Let me just do this once and for
all.” I said to myself getting frustrated. I decided to call him up instead.
With each ring, I could feel my heart
pounding more heavily against my chest.
“Hey. It is me, Sara.”
“I do recognise your voice and I still
do have your number saved you know. How are you? It’s been so long. I’ve missed
There was a moment of silence from my
“Hey Sara, you don’t sound alright.
What happened?”
“Do you ever think about the future?
What do you see?”
“Mmmm…what do you see?”
“I am not kidding.”
“It’s you. I see you.”
I could not believe my ears. Adrenaline
rushed through my body and I felt that I had a brain freeze. He had mutual
feelings towards me. Albeit I needed to let him know as of how I felt, I did
not want to be in a relationship since I felt that it would not be morally
right to do so as there had not been a day that I did not think about Jayden.
Since I still thought about Jayden, getting together with someone else would be
similar to betraying. Also, since Jayden and I were supposedly in a
relationship till his last breath, I felt guilty getting together with someone
else. I explained my dilemma to him and we decided to take things slow and not
rush into a relationship till I could sort myself out.
“I build the walls around
me up so high that no one managed to climb it over. Now that someone has
managed to do so, why am I still running away? It’s like I want to move on but
I cannot let go off Jayden. Jayden is still in my heart,” I declared my thoughts
out aloud to my friend, Danielle.
“Jayden is always going
to be in your heart even if you manage to move on. It is normal to move on and
yet at times look back missing the past. There is not just one person that you
can love. What If that one person dies or is already with someone else? It
would be pointless depriving yourself off another source of happiness that you
want and deserve, causing yourself to suffer more than you need to. Love is
everywhere. Love is loving the scent of fresh flowers even. You may fall in
love once, twice or maybe more, but that does not make it any less special as it is not a matter of loving someone more or less. It
is just that sometimes things do not work out but you should carry on with an
open mind, reaching out for whatever that makes you happy. You never
know until you try and yes, everyone deserves to be happy, to be loved, including you,” Danielle replied.