29 November 2015

If only

The walls started closing in, 
the kind of nights that got tears streaming started creeping in.
You and me,
we both became glass.
Breaking both of our hearts, 
I laid in bed trying to forget the firsts of us.

It didn’t matter where we were,
I didn’t want to mess this thing up for sure.
All I tried was to chase the sun trying to make it perfect,
if only I gave it a little time, 
we might have been able to see the sunset.

I would have tried harder if only you saw the efforts that I made,
but all you did was to point out my mistakes.
You brought the kind of night that made me worthless in my own eyes.
You brought along the kind of night that felt like I won,
yet you got me losing my own sight. 

07 July 2015

Succumbed to the pleasure

Didn't need no words to exclaim 
I was pulled by a tremendous force that I resisted in vain
Sitting on the edge of your unfamiliar bed
You drew me to the fire while I tried to flee from the pain

I avoided the exposure
You tempted me to closure
I couldn’t let you burn me and yet I couldn’t resist the scene
I let myself walk into the fire while it consumed me

Piece by piece, I started falling in way too deep
I tried to stay afloat but the currents kept pulling me in 
I knew you had hooked me onto your strings
But I then knew I couldn’t let go being a part of these songs you sing  

I was shallow, I gave in 
Your love seduced me, it didn't cease

Without your presence, whats this existence of mine 
I succumbed to the pleasure of you, oh so divine

I now look into your brown eyes
I realise you’re all that I’ve been waiting for all my life 
Without your love, life would not have been the same
With your love, Im ready to go through any pain

24 June 2015

Is it you or is it me?

Our legs are intertwined
Your hands are wrapped around mine
Your skin brushing against mine
The goosebumps showing up this time

Your lips glazed with alcohol
Tasting so fine
The façade of not needing
Is creeping through my mind

The echoes of silence 
Is deafening these nights
What’s with the distance
Keeping us away all night

Is it you or is it me tonight
Is it me or is it my mind these nights
Is it us or is it in my mind that it ain’t alright

11 February 2015

Touch me not

One normally spots a sensitive person based on the emotions let out, deeming them as weak individuals. However, many of the times, it turns out that the strongest ones’ on the outside, are the weakest ones’ on the inside. These are in fact the highly sensitive people who appear to be emotionally detached.

They are the ones’ who will easily get close to people yet disallow themselves to be emotionally attached to them. It is not that they do not have emotions; their emotions are simply bottled up, with their senses being numbed.

They will pretend like they are okay even when they might be falling apart on the inside. This is to prevent appearing as weak since emotional people are normally seen in that light. On the contrary though, those that are not afraid to make their feelings evident are the ones that are actually strong.

Highly sensitive people are cautious with who they decide to open up to. People would have to repeatedly ask them to let them know what they are feeling as they would never let it out no matter how close the other might be to them. This gets other people thinking that they do not mean much to them since they are not comfortable in opening up.

Words that they might say might be deemed as harsh due to their “I don’t really care,” behaviour. Your grandfather passed away? Okay, so what? Life is a constant process of dying anyway.

The actual conflict, however, begins only when emotions are provoked in them and they start to surface.

They fear being in relationships, especially romantic ones. It is tough to get their attention and jump over the walls that they have built around them. They are not playing hard to get, but instead, they are just protecting themselves by treating others as being disposable.

Once in a blue moon though, when someone does manage to break down the impassable walls, they would end up sabotaging it. They have a tendency to push people away, cutting off ties, for no apparent reason, by trying to find faults in the relationship when these faults could instead simply be mended. This happens when they come to a realization that they have fallen deeply, with their emotions starting to take control over their acts.

They feel insecure and start over-thinking with regards to what would happen if they fall deeper for someone or if the relationship ends? They would be shattered and go back to experiencing emotions which might surface and hence being “weak”, getting back to the point where they first started off from.

Having a heart breaking experience, all the more they would regret breaking their walls down, with them being more cautious as of who they allow to let in their lives on an emotional level the next time round.

When they finally do show their feelings, it tends to be extreme. This could happen on any random day, whether with or without being intoxicated, although of course the latter just makes it worse. When this happens, they appear as needy and/or aggressive. They fall into a whirlpool of feelings that are so intense; people get taken aback while they themselves fear they may never come out of it.

23 January 2015

It wasn’t true

The night they met
She knew it was true
Unlike the others she met
He was an angel she knew

The night they met
He knew it was true
Unlike the others he met
She was genuine and true

He kissed her that night
Her dark eyes didn’t lie
He knew it was meant to be
Then why didn’t his worries seem to cease?
Days passed by
The weeks turned into months
With every day that passed
Her mind yearned for another lust                       
Angel he called her
Devil she became
She left him for another
The story echoes again